Losing My Religion
e10e12e10h10e8FGFGAmiG: | Oh F#mlife is bigger, C#mit's bigger than you. And you are F#mnot me, the lengths that I will C#mgo to. The distance in your F#meyes. C#mOh no, I've said too Hmmuch, I've said eEnough. That's me in the F#mcorner. That's me in the C#mspot light. Losing my reF#mligion. Trying to C#mkeep up with you. And I F#mdon't know if I can do it. C#mOh no, I've said too Hmmuch, I haven't said Eenough. I thought that I heard you Dlaughing. I thought that I heard Eyou F#msing. I Dthink I thought I saw Eyou F#mtry.E Every F#mwhisper, Every waking C#mhour, I'm choosing my conF#mfessions. Trying to C#mkeep eye on you. Like a F#mhurt lost and blinded fool, fool. C#mOh no, I've said too Hmmuch, I said eEnough. Consider F#mthis, consider this C#mthe hit of the century. Consider F#mthis, the slip, that C#mbrought me to my knees failed. F#mWhat if all these fantasies come C#mflailing around. Now I've Hmsaid - too Emuch. I thought that I heard you Dlaughing. I thought that I heard Eyou F#msing. I Dthink I thought I saw Eyou F#mtry.E |
Mezihra/e12e12e12e10e10e10e10e8e8e8e5e5e5e5/: | AThat was just a F#mdream. AThat was just a dream. That's me in the F#mcorner. That's me in the C#mspot light. Losing my reF#mligion. Trying to C#mkeep up with you. And I F#mdon't know if I can do it. C#mOh no, I've said too Hmmuch, I haven't said Eenough. I thought that I heard you Dlaughing. I thought that I heard Eyou F#msing. I Dthink I thought I saw Eyou F#mtry. DThat was just a dream, E F#mtry, cry, why try. DThat was just a dream, Ejust a F#mdream, just a Edream, dream. Dohra:/:e12e12e12e12e12e12e12e12:/opakovat7-krát |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:11.159+00:00
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